Institut news

About the center “Professional development and retraining of personnel” at the farm account

of the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies


On the basis of the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 415 dated September 3, 2004, the center “Professional training and retraining of personnel” was established in the presence of the Andijan Agricultural and Agrotechnological Institute.

The State Test Center of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on May 31, 2017 with the number 42 of the State Accreditation Certificate No. 000042 lists the following educational areas in Appendix 1. They have organized 144-hour training courses for pedagogues and production education masters of professional educational institutions in the regions of our country for a period of 1 month and 4 weeks.

– “Agronomist” profession teacher;

– Vocational teacher “Electrification and automation of agriculture”;

– Vocational teacher “Farmer Specialist”;

– Vocational teacher “Agricultural machine and equipment service mechanic”;

– Vocational teacher “Technologist of agricultural products processing”;

– Vocational teacher of “Zootechnik”;

– Masters of production education “Mechanic of technical service of agricultural machinery and equipment”.

Pursuant to the order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education No. 347 dated August 16, 2021, training of 55 special subject teachers in professional educational institutions in Andijan, Fergana and Namangan regions located in the Fergana Valley planned, the plan was 100 percent fulfilled. 21 competent professors of the institute are giving them trainings. Scientific competence is 94.2 percent.

Model and working plan and model and working training programs in the above directions were developed and approved by higher organizations. The lesson schedule was drawn up based on the curriculum and programs, approved by the vice-rector for educational affairs M. Atajonov. Lectures, practical and experimental training sessions were held in the ZOOM program on the modules, the trainees who successfully completed the training courses were given specially designated copies of certificates based on the order of the rector of the institute. 60.7 million soums were received, and the main part of the received money was paid to professors and teachers who taught at the training center on an hourly basis.

Andijan in 2022 at the training center. 106.9 million soums were allocated to the professional training center of Fergana and Namangan region, where 90 pedagogues and industrial education masters were trained.

On October 10, 2023, 114 pedagogues and industrial education masters from Andijan, Fergana, Namangan, Syrdarya, Surkhandarya and Khorezm regions took part in training courses at the training center and ceremoniously handed over certified copies to them. To date, 151.6 million soums have been deposited into the fund of the institute at the expense of the training center.

In 2021-2023, 21 of the 254 trainees who studied at the training center were excluded from the ranks of the trainees based on the order of the rector of the institute for missing 36 hours of training without reason.