Vice-rector for financial and economic affairs


  • Name Baratov Hakimbek Abdufattokhovich
  • Phone number: +(998) 97 464-07-27
  • E-mail
  • Reception days: From Tuesday to Saturday 02:00PM-05:00PM

Organization of the implementation of laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees and orders of the President, decisions of the Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers in the field of education and personnel training;
Organization of educational, scientific, financial, and moral education work based on state educational standards and training of qualified personnel;
Ensuring that all deans and departments, heads of departments and pedagogues are fully aware of the set of requirements for the content of knowledge and the level of training in accordance with state educational standards;
Organizing the implementation of the orders, orders and instructions of higher authorities, decisions of the Scientific Council of Higher Education Institution and the rector’s orders on issues related to educational processes;
To study the development trends of the educational system of advanced countries, methods and tools for the implementation of the tasks specified by the Law “On Education”, “National Program of Personnel Training” and other laws related to education. development and ensuring their implementation;
Organization of the introduction of advanced forms of teaching, including distance learning, new pedagogical and information and communication technologies and their effective use in the educational process;
Preparation of proposals and organization of work in the field of activity;
Coordinating, organizing and controlling the work of departments and deaneries that provide the educational process;
Approving work plans of departments, faculties and departments and monitoring their implementation;
Improving the quality of classes, monitoring and ensuring the fulfillment of personal plans of professors and teachers;
Organizing educational and scientific conferences, leading the work of the methodological council of the Higher Education Institution and improving pedagogical skills, summarizing advanced methodological experiences;
The process of preparation and publication of educational-methodological and scientific work materials, including journals and collections of scientific works, by the staff of the Higher Education Institution, as well as educational-methodical and scientific activities in all areas of educational and scientific activity of the Higher Education Institution. general management of replenishment of the library fund with periodicals;
Managing and assisting the processes of searching for, selecting and working with talented young people, managing the process of preparing prestigious scholarship winners of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Navoi, Beruniy, Ulugbek, Zulfiya and others from among students and interns-researchers-seekers;
Development of proposals for the staffing of professors and teachers and teaching assistants, organization of providing departments and departments with qualified personnel;
Recruitment for vacant positions on the basis of competition, preparation of proposals for recruitment of interns-researchers-researchers and masters, development and implementation of plans for improvement and qualification of professors-teachers;
Effective use of classrooms, developing issues of improving the technical equipment of auditoriums and laboratories;
Taking action against employees who violate executive discipline, preparing proposals for termination of contracts with them;
In order to improve the content of education, to ensure the training of specialists based on international requirements, to prepare proposals for the establishment of faculties and departments in cooperation with similar higher education institutions of foreign countries;
Conducting, analyzing and drawing conclusions on the annual activity reports of departments, faculties and departments, evaluating the educational and methodological activities of professors and teachers using modern methods;
Implementation of permanent cooperation with higher education institutions in educational and methodological direction, ensuring active participation of professors and teachers in conferences, seminars, working in cooperation with local authorities;
Determine the annual rating of the higher education institution, analyze it, and carry out activities related to the improvement of the activity;
Active participation in regular internal certification of Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agro-Technology, preparation for external certification and transfer.