Institut news

Andijan Institute of Agriculture and agrotechnologies

On “benefits and state scholarships given to women studying in Bachelor’s and master’s degree”


 As you know, in order to systematically continue the reforms carried out in our country to protect the rights and legitimate interests of women, increase their economic, social and political activity, maintain their health, provide vocational training and employment, engage in entrepreneurship, social support of underprivileged women, ensure gender equality, as well as consistently implement the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Global Agenda:

1) in 2022-2026, a national program was developed to increase the activity of women in all aspects of the country’s economic, political and social life. As you know, ” it should be noted that the country systematically continues the reforms carried out to protect the rights and legitimate interests of women, increase their economic, social and political activity, maintain health, provide vocational training and employment, wide involvement in entrepreneurship, social support of underprivileged women, ensuring gender equality, as well as, In order to consistently implement the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Global Agenda: In 2022-2026, a national program was developed to increase the activity of women in all aspects of the country’s economic, political and social life. In 2022-2026, a national program was developed to increase the activity of women in all aspects of the country’s economic, political and social life.

1) In 2022-2026, a comprehensive plan of measures aimed at implementing a national program to increase the activity of women in all aspects of the country’s economic, political and social life in 2022-2023 was approved.

The Republic also defined “Ensuring Gender equality and expanding the rights and opportunities of all women ” as one of the priority goals within the framework of “National goals and objectives in the field of sustainable development in the period up to 2030”.

To achieve this goal, it is required to expand programs that provide for the support of women in the implementation of their rights and interests in the socio-economic sphere.

Therefore, in 2022-2026, the national program for increasing the activity of women in all aspects of the country’s economic, political and social life (in the following places-the national program) developed the main directions of state policy for the support of women.

The national program is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, “on state youth policy”, “on protection of women from harassment and violence”, “On guarantees of equal rights and opportunities for women and men”, the decision of the Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On approval of the strategy for achieving gender equality in the Republic of Uzbekistan by 2030”, generally accepted principles and norms of international law, prepared in accordance with the rules and other legislation arising from the international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The national program considers women’s rights as an integral part of human rights, and it is a set of measures for the comprehensive support of women, based on the principle of “for human value”. The development and implementation of the national program serves as an important factor in creating the necessary conditions for the full participation of women in the political, economic, social and cultural life of society on the basis of equal rights.

The purpose of the national program – is to further strengthen the system of social protection of women, strengthen their health, create the necessary conditions for the education of girls, educate talented and educated girls and raise their scientific potential, improve the legal framework for protecting women’s rights and legitimate interests, increase women’s socio — economic and political activity, strengthen their role in society.

In order to ensure the implementation of the above laws and decisions, the chairman of the Committee on family and women of the Republic of Uzbekistan Parpiboyeva Ozoda Abdukodirovna spoke about the number of results implemented in the country to ensure gender equality. In recent years, the wide range of opportunities and benefits created for women to receive higher education has been the most important of the special measures to ensure gender equality.

Such as: every year, women who are children of disadvantaged families are admitted to higher education institutions on the basis of a state grant (2000 quotas). To date, about 7 thousand women have been admitted to higher education on the basis of a state grant. There are at least 5 years of work experience in the specialty, but 500 women who do not have higher education are annually enrolled in state universities on a contractual basis in accordance with the results of tests based on the recommendations of the state committee for family and women. The contract fees of all women studying at the graduate level of state higher education institutions are covered, and 200 billion sums is allocated to this annually from at least the state budget.

During the academic year 2022-2023, more than 14 thousand student girls studying in graduate school were reimbursed from the state budget for contract payments in the amount of 153.4 billion sums. A 7-year interest-free lending system was introduced to pay for women’s contracts in higher education institutions, technical schools and colleges, correspondence and evening education. In the 2022-2023 academic years, more than 170,000 students studying in educational institutions were provided with an interest-free educational loan of more than 1 trillion 579 billion sums by commercial banks for a period of 7 years. Indigent single women and girls who have lost their breadwinners are being compensated for their higher education contract fees. During 2021-2022, about 4,000 students in such a situation were covered by the women’s contract fee. Doctoral studies of State Scientific Organizations or higher educational institutions are allocated a target quota of 300 per year for women only. By decision of the government, the regulation»  on the procedure for obtaining education in colleges and technical schools on the basis of a full state grant of women studying in the field of profession (specialty) in the fields of construction, transport, utilities, agriculture and services ” was approved.

At the place of information, it can be said that in 2022, a quota was allocated on the basis of a separate state guarantee for 7 categories of youth in entrance examinations.

A total of 8,694 seats are allocated by the deputy prime minister on preferential terms in the new academic year on the basis of a state grant. For comparison, last year the figure was almost 5 thousand. Of this, 940 seats for women in the socially disadvantaged category;

Who is the Grant awarded?

-women from a low-income family;

-women who are brought up in an incomplete family, that is, their father or mother died;

-Daughters of single women (men) who are raising two or more children under the age of 14, living separately from other relatives;

-free private housing, families living in rental;

-one or both of the parents were unemployed and, as a job-seeking person, were on account in population employment assistance centers;

-women from families with children with disabilities;

-the degree of coverage with women with higher education is two or more times lower than the average of the Republic, as well as girls from families living in remote and difficult-to – reach areas (provided that they work on their territory for 3 years-in detail below about which districts are).

According to the Andijan region, 85 places were allocated for the education of socially disadvantaged categories of women to HEIs on preferential terms in the academic year 2022-2023 on the basis of a state grant. Of this, Andijan Institute of Agriculture and agrotechnologies in 2022 recommended a total of 35 non-working, disabled, social protection and support-deprived family women, orphans and 19 children deprived of parental care to a full-time form of Education, and 16 to a part-time form of Education, Students for the urgent transfer of entrance exams.

If this child (women), orphaned children and children deprived of parental care will continue to study at the institute as students, a family with disabilities, social protection and support, they will be paid a scholarship with an increase of 50 percent from the funds of the “student incentive fund”

Incentive payments are determined based on the order of the higher education institution on the basis of the conclusion of the Scholarship Commission in accordance with the criteria established by the Council of the higher education institution.

In addition, in our institute  in accordance with the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan PD-3581, to show worthy respect for the noble female breed in our country, to increase their role and prestige in our society, to bring up a healthy and harmonious generation, in order to encourage girls who follow the example of young people with their talented and instructive activities and in accordance with the decrees of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on support of proposals for the establishment of the State Prize named after Zulfiya”dated June 10, 1999 PD-2326 and “on measures for the radical improvement of activities in the field of:

The recipients of the Zulfiya State Prize are presented with diplomas and badges of Merit at the celebrations dedicated to the 8th of March – International Women’s holiday.

  1. The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan ensures that each of the winners of the Zulfiya State prize will receive a cash prize of 50 times the minimum monthly salary.
  2. The national news agency of Uzbekistan, the National Broadcasting Company of Uzbekistan and other media widely cover the exemplary activities of the Zulfiya State Prize winners, their unique talent and achievements.