Institut news


At the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies

“On reducing carbon dioxide emissions and increasing green energy

Support for startup projects


The goal of the UN Sustainable Development Goals SGD 7 is to ensure the use of clean and affordable energy, which is the key to the development of agriculture, business, communications, education, health and transportation. The lack of energy use hinders economic and Human Development.

The latest data shows that the world continues to achieve sustainable energy goals. Nevertheless, the current pace of progress is not enough to reach SGD 7 by 2030. Large imbalances in the use of modern stable energy remain.

Achieving energy and climate-rich goals requires the support of continuous policy and the mass mobilization of public and private capital for clean and renewable energy, especially in developing countries.


Based on the above information, expanding the use of renewable energy sources and improving energy efficiency have become urgent tasks of the institute, given its desire to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and achieve its climate-related goals. In accordance with this, within the framework of the national project “green space” from October 10 to December 1 of this year, a total of 1,200 bushes of ornamental and fruit trees and shrubs were planted on the territory of the institute with an area of 27.53 hectares on the basis of the established plan.

By October 19, 2022, areas were prepared for planting from ornamental and fruit trees to the entrance of the institute, free land at the front of the drainage buildings, the side areas of the 2nd and 4th student residences, which are planned to be planted in order to reduce Corbonate dioxide (CO2)and solve the climate-related problem.

The remaining main fields on the territory of the Institute and fields for shooting ornamental trees such as pavlonia and Mulberry treess, as well tulip tree, Japanese Safura were prepared on the edges of the field on the territory

As part of the green space nationwide project, it is planned to plant 2,200 bush trees on the territory of the Institute in the autumn season of 2022. In particular, 200 bushes of fir tree, 80 bushes of Spruce, 750 bushes of pavlonia, 250 bushes of Japanese Sapura and 650 bushes of various other ornamental trees were planted .

In addition, at the meeting of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on measures to promote renewable energy sources and ensure employment in the Andijan region on February 1, 2022, instructions were given to increase the use of renewable energy sources in conditions of energy scarcity in the valley regions. In order to ensure the fulfillment of these tasks by the professors-educators of the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies on the Sariq Joga canal of the Marhamat district “on the basis of the launch of a mini-hydroelectric power plant, the creation of an alternative energy supply system for farmers, the population and entrepreneurs, as well as the creation and implementation of microgenerators with a capacity of 50 kilowatts of the Charkhpalak type operating on low-pressure wastewater. start-up projects have been prepared. Patent No. FAP 02226 was obtained for a jet-hydraulic turbine with a madel guide device, useful for a device created as a result for the production of renewable energy sources, and certificate No. DSU 27649 for “a program for wetting and optimizing the design parameters of a microges device operating on low-pressure wastewater”. Currently, research is being carried out within the framework of these projects.