Institut news

About the conditions created for appeals and complaints at the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies


In the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agro-Technology, a number of activities were carried out in order to properly manage the activities of professors, teachers and employees. In particular: legal consultant A. Boronbayev is working at the institute to protect the rights of professors, teachers and employees in carrying out their activities, or to receive their salaries on time and in full, and in other matters (1 – picture).

If the applications of professors and teachers or other workers are not satisfied during their work, and their rights under the law are violated, a complaint box (justice box) has been introduced for applicants (2 picture).

In addition, conditions have been created for the complainant to apply online to the rector of the institute in order to send complaints ( AQXAI_pressa). At present, the work carried out on this item is in an active state. In order to properly and fully launch the activity, it is planned to conduct anonymous surveys in the specified periods.

