Institut news

Proposing “Waste Processing Measures” at the

Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies


Waste processing on the territory of the institute is one of the most important measures in the waste management policy. In recent years, the institute has been paying special attention to the issue of waste processing.

On February 2 of this year, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Sh. Mirziyoyev, at a meeting of video selectors regarding the priority tasks for 2022 to improve the system of handling waste and improve the environmental condition of the regions, implementation of the nationwide project “Green Space”, increased the coverage of household waste collection to 95 % . the task of increasing the volume of work to 40% is set.

However, the following problems remain in the field of waste processing:

First , there are financial and infrastructural problems to support the process of waste processing in our republic. The amount of funds received from the implementation of waste-related works does not allow the creation of a complete regional infrastructure for waste processing. As of 2019, there are 183 enterprises processing solid household waste with a total capacity of 894,000 tons per year in the territory of the republic .

Secondly , there are no mechanisms to create a competitive environment in the field of waste processing, to stimulate demand for products processed from waste.

In order to stimulate the market of goods and services obtained using recycled materials in foreign countries, a legislative framework has been created that regulates the possibilities of using the state’s ” green procurement ” system for these products.

Thirdly , the practice of using other alternative methods of waste disposal rather than recycling remains.

In particular, the methods of placing waste in landfills or burning them are widely used in our country. It should be noted that placing waste in landfills will not be the solution to the problem. The reason is that landfill waste is one of the main sources of environmental damage.

For information: Glass bottle – 1 million years , plastic drink bottles – 450 years , disposable diapers – 500-800 years , aluminum can – 80-200 years , batteries – 100 years , rubber boots – 50-80 years , plastic cups – 50 years , leather – 50 years , tin cans – 50 years , nylon fabric – 30-40 years , leather shoes – 25-40 years , wood – 10-15 years , cigarette residues – 10-12 years , woolen clothes – 1-5 years , milk cartons – 5 years , ropes – 3-14 months , cotton gloves – 3 months , cardboard – 2 months , orange or banana peel – 2-5 weeks , paper towels – 2-4 weeks it rots.

In the Strategy of the implementation of works related to solid household waste in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2019-2028, approved by the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-4291 dated April 17, 2019, the closure and recultivation of 167 landfills with a total area of 1,108.6 hectares in line, the task of creating 54 modernized landfills with a total area of 693.3 hectares and building 5 landfills with a total area of 80 hectares has been set instead of existing landfills .

In our republic, waste burning in landfills poses a serious threat to the environment and public health.

According to the decision of the State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 12 of October 17, 2019, in the guidelines for the design and use of solid household waste landfills, it is appropriate to install a system of active extraction of gas for the purpose of monitoring emissions released into the atmosphere in landfills or obtaining energy. listed only, not mandated.

above decisions, Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agro-Technology proposes the following in order to increase the level of waste processing:

  • establishment of a waste management fund, which is financed by fines collected for violations in the field of waste, funds paid for permits and licenses, foreign and domestic grants, subsidies, and used only for the implementation of waste management programs;

  • development of mechanisms for stimulating demand for products processed from waste, including the system of “green procurement” of the state;

  • licensing landfills only for disposal of residual waste, prohibiting the opening of landfills;

  • ban on burying unprocessed waste;

  • Based on the experience of Sweden, expanding the possibilities of incineration of waste and obtaining alternative energy sources from them;

  • establishment of ecotechnological parks in the field of waste processing;

  • expanding the scope of leasing services provided by local authorities to economic entities in terms of purchasing new environmental technologies, machines and equipment to optimize waste management;

  • consideration of possibilities of using environmental payment for targeted construction (modernization) of waste processing infrastructure, technological re-equipment;

  • introduction of a differentiated taxation system in the field of waste disposal based on environmental damage caused by the processing of various wastes;

  • subsidizing interest rates on loans for targeted investment projects, including the creation of a waste processing complex;

  • application of tax incentives to enterprises adopting new waste processing technologies;

  • abolition of VAT on products made from secondary material resources.