Institut news


⚡️ ATTENTION citizens who want to transfer their studies for valid reasons!!!

In accordance with Clause 7 of Presidential Decree No. 279 (, the activity of regional working groups on accepting applications for transfer of studies due to good reasons has been launched.

Regional working groups will operate from December 20, 2022 to January 20, 2023 (the same day).

Based on the above decision, citizens can apply to regional working groups for the following valid reasons:

🗄to transfer the student’s studies to a higher education institution in the area where the spouse permanently lives in connection with starting a family;
🗄 employees of state bodies to transfer the education of their spouse or minor child in case of a change of job (based on the recommendation of the head of the relevant ministry (department)).

The following documents are provided to regional working groups:

🗄application for transfer of studies (the application form is issued by the regional working group and filled out by the student on the spot);
🗄 copies of the student’s rating book or academic reference or transcript in the prescribed form (one is enough);
✍️passport copy;
✍️relevant documents justifying the reasons mentioned above.

Applications for reinstatement (with the exception of transfer) are submitted directly to the HEI, regardless of how many years have passed since the student was expelled.