Institut news

December, 2022.


About the work done in order to “enroll representatives of the lower financial quintile”.

At the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies

It is known that in our Republic, the state regularly supports the disabled, disabled, family children (women), orphans and children deprived of parental care in need of social protection and support. . Members of the above-mentioned strata and their children are subject to the measures of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 9, 2021 No. PQ-5216 “Introduction of a new system of state support for orphans and children deprived of parental care” 10 paragraph 4 paragraph and 11 paragraph of the decision “On the activities of the Republic of Uzbekistan” No. 393 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 20, 2017 “Admission to higher education institutions, transferring students’ studies , on the procedure for reinstatement and expulsion from studies” Chapter 1. Clauses 103 and 109 of the general rules, Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 417 of June 2, 2018 “On the procedure for admission of persons with disabilities to higher education institutions based on additional state grant quotas” Decision No. 402 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 23, 2020 “Giving recommendations to women from needy families to participate in the competition and admitting them to higher education institutions within the framework of admission indicators based on additional state grants” On the basis of the decisions of “On the procedure of organization of education”, a number of privileges were given in the entrance exams to higher education institutions.

In 2022, a quota was allocated for 7 categories of youth in the entrance exams based on a separate state guarantee.

The Deputy Prime Minister announced that a total of 8,694 places are being allocated on the basis of a state grant in the new academic year on preferential terms. For comparison, last year this figure was almost 5 thousand.

From this:

– For persons with disabilities – 2799 places;

– Persons with a letter of recommendation from the military command – 1175 places;

– For children of employees of the armed forces – 1175 places;

– 705 places for children of employees of internal affairs bodies;

– 1400 places for foster children of the orphanage;

– 940 places for socially disadvantaged women;

– Graduates living in Sokh district – 500 places.

Persons with disabilities are exempted from the fee charged for participation in the tests. In addition to the total number of applicants to higher education institutions, a two-percent state grant-based quota has been set aside for persons with disabilities.

Persons with disabilities (I and II groups) who scored not less than 30% of the highest possible score in the entrance exams, with strict observance of the sequence of scores, an additional two percent is recommended to students within the state grant quotas. For 2022, 2799 additional state grants have been allocated for persons with disabilities in the entrance exams. Starting from 2022, compared to 2021, an additional 4 percent grant will be allocated to women based on the total state grant admission rates. This four percent means a quota of 940 grants this year. First of all, it is worth saying that this benefit is valid for full-time undergraduate study and only for admission to the first course of study.

Who is awarded the scholarship?

– women from low-income families;

– girls who are brought up in single-parent families, i.e. women whose father or mother has died;

– Daughters of single women (men) raising two or more children under the age of 14, living separately from other relatives;

– families who do not have their own homes and live in rent;

– one or both of the parents are unemployed and are registered as jobseekers at employment assistance centers;

– women from families with children with disabilities;

– Districts where the coverage rate of women with higher education is two or more times lower than the average indicators of the republic, as well as female children in families living in remote and hard-to-reach areas (3 with the condition of working for a year – which districts are detailed below).

– The seats are distributed as follows:

– Samarkand region – 104

– Fergana region – 100

– Kashkadarya region – 88

– Andijan region – 85

– Tashkent region – 80

– Namangan region – 75

– Surkhandarya region – 71

– Tashkent city – 70

– Khorezm region – 50

– Bukhara region – 53

– Republic of Karakalpakstan – 51

– Syrdarya region – 49

– Jizzakh region – 36

– Navoi region – 28

Recommended girls also participate in the exam

By July 20, 2021, the Ministry will submit the final list of recommended applicants to the State Test Center.

Admission of recommended applicants within the framework of additional admission criteria is decided according to the results of entrance exams (tests, professional (creative) exam, written exam).

Recommendation holders must score at least 30% of the highest possible score. Those who have collected enough points

an additional 4 percent of the state grant based on the sequence of points is recommended to the student within the admission criteria.

In accordance with the above decisions, in 2022, Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agro-Technology will receive a total of 35 disabled, disabled, family children (women) in need of social protection and support, orphans and those deprived of parental care. 19 of the children were recommended for Day education and the remaining 16 for Extramural education, for successfully passing the entrance exams.

If the family children (women), orphans and children deprived of parental care who are incapable of work, disabled, need social protection and support continue to study at the institute as students, they are entitled to ” It was determined that the scholarship will be paid with an increase of 50% from the funds of the “Student Promotion Fund”.

The State Test Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan is recommended to successful students who are unable to work, disabled, in need of social protection and support, orphans and families deprived of parental care. to children, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 59 of January 31, 2020 “On determining the amounts of scholarships paid to students of higher education institutions and measures to improve the procedure for awarding and paying scholarships” According to paragraph 19, all students who are mastering subjects at the end of the academic semester, who have special abilities and talents, who are active in public affairs, and who are in need of social protection, who are receiving education on the basis of a state grant and a fee-contract in addition to the fixed scholarships (470,800 soums), up to 50 percent (235,400 soums), i.e. 706,200 soums, can be provided with a monthly stipend at the expense of the Fund.

Incentive payments are determined based on the order of the higher education institution based on the conclusion of the scholarship commission in accordance with the criteria established by the board of the higher education institution.