Institut news

December, 2022.


About the work carried out within the framework of “Counseling programs for women” at the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies

The Sustainable Development Goals consist of 17 global goals set by the United Nations. The broad goals are interrelated, but each has its own goals. The SDGs cover a wide range of social and economic development issues. These include poverty, hunger, health, education, climate change, gender equality, water, sanitation, energy, urbanization, environment and social justice.

The fifth goal of sustainable development is to ensure gender equality and expand the rights and opportunities of all women and girls (hereinafter referred to as SDG 5). The Sustainable Development Goals are interrelated, and actions in each area affect outcomes in other areas. Development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability. A systematic approach is the basis of global stability. Development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability. A systematic approach is the basis of global stability.

There are 9 goals for the implementation of SDG 5 and 14 indicators to determine the path of development. The first 6 goals are called “results-oriented” goals. They are as follows:

1) ending all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere;

2) putting an end to violence and exploitation of women and girls;

3) to prevent early and forced marriages among young people, to put an end to harmful practices such as female genital mutilation;

4) increasing the value of postpartum care of children and encouraging mothers in every way;

5) ensuring full participation of women in leadership and decision-making;

6) ensuring universal reproductive rights and access to health.

The means of achieving the above goals are as follows:

– ensuring women’s equal rights to economic resources, property ownership and financial services;

– to help empower women through technology;

– adopting, strengthening and implementing legislation on gender equality.

Through the “Leave No One Behind” pledge, countries committed to accelerating development for the regions, especially the furthest away. This is done to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on women. Because they need protection and the possibility of treatment is limited. Available data show an increase in violence against women during the pandemic.

By 2030, gender equality requires urgent action to address many of the root causes of discrimination undermining women’s rights in the private and public sectors. Ending gender-based violence and rape is a priority given that it is a violation of human rights. The drive to achieve gender equality has led to improvements in some areas, but the prospect of a world where every woman and girl has full gender equality and all legal, social and economic barriers to empowerment, including digital empowerment, is still lacking.

Ensuring equal access of women and girls to education, health care, decent work, and representation in political and economic decision-making processes contributes to a stable economy, benefits society and all humanity.

Based on the information given above, on September 28, 2022, Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agro-Technology, Youth Union of Uzbekistan, youth leader of the institute, O.Abdullayev, Rector’s adviser on women’s issues, N.Mo’minova, Agribusiness and digital with the participation of female students of the Faculty of Agribusiness and Digital Economy in cooperation with F. Tillaboyeva, the adviser of the dean on women’s issues of the Faculty of Economics, and Z. Atabayeva, the psychologist of the institute Psychological training was held on the theme “Ending all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere”.

Psychologist of the institute Z. Atabayeva during the training said that mental health is related to a person’s lifestyle, taking into account the increasing risk of external factors affecting the psyche among teenagers and young people, a number of practical works are being carried out in our institute. as an example, he gave information about the fact that special work was organized with female students, that their education, manners, and what they spend their free time on were controlled. In addition, during the psychological training, there were trainings aimed at improving mental health, strengthening memory, concentration of thoughts, and increasing physical activity.

During the training, there was a talk about the opportunities created by the state for women to increase their place and position in society, to use all opportunities properly. Also, the impact of oppression and suicide among women on the psyche of our sisters, protecting them from such ways, was presented based on real life examples.

  1. Mominova, Rector’s Advisor on Women’s Issues, who spoke at the psychological training on the topic of ending all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere, You are my sister, you are my daughter, you are my munis, my kind moon face. The manners of our dear girls, their willingness to listen and solve all their issues in a timely manner and not to ignore any appeal, in cooperation with F.Tillaboyeva, the dean’s advisor on women’s issues of the Faculty of Agribusiness and Digital Economy. He talked about the ongoing work.
  2. Mominova spoke about expanding the place of women in the field of education and science in the conditions of New Uzbekistan, strengthening the place and position of women in state and community management, women in educational institutions – a number of works with female professors and female students of the institute regarding the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan on improving the socio-spiritual environment among girls, protecting women from oppression and violence concluded with the fact that it is being implemented.



On October 10, 2022, N. Abdullayeva, an employee of the family and women’s department of the Andijan district administration, in cooperation with lieutenant colonel Sh. A roundtable discussion was held under the slogan “Stop violence and exploitation of women and girls”. In a free and open conversation, there was talk about the support provided to women under pressure, activities aimed at ensuring their active participation in society. The opinions of young people were listened to and their suggestions were recorded. At the end of the meeting, the students who actively participated in the events held under the slogan “We are against violence” were awarded with diplomas and souvenirs.



On October 20, 2022, Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agro-Technology, First Vice-Rector for Work with Youth, Spiritual and Educational Affairs A. Maksutaliyev, Advisor to the Rector for Women and Girls Issues N. Mominova, In cooperation with the head of the Department of Humanities G. Valikhonova and the doctor of the Mother and Child Screening Center of Andijan Region N. Khalilova and the gynecologist of the Family Polyclinic No. 3 Z. Aliyevalar, the institute, with the participation of female students living in the 2nd student residence, “Early and mandatory among young people a round discussion was held on the topic of preventing marriage, ending harmful practices such as female genital mutilation.

  1. Valikhonova, head of the Department of Humanities, gave several thoughts and comments to the participants of the meeting about the psychological conditions of girls in today’s information age. He spoke about the fact that today in our Republic serious attention is being paid to the issue of women and girls, as well as the fact that it is one of the efforts made to prepare them for future motherhood and family, as well as for them to find a worthy place in society. tdi

Nargiza Bakhtyorovna, a doctor of the Andijan regional mother and child screening center, and Ziyoda Shavkatovna, a gynecologist at the 3rd family polyclinic, took part and discussed the issues related to the reproductive health of girls. During the dialogue, a number of questions were answered by female students by experts.


On November 24, 2022, Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies Rector’s Adviser on Women’s Issues N. Mominova, Dean’s Adviser on Women’s Issues of the Faculty of Agribusiness and Digital Economy F. Tillaboyeva, Drug and Spice o “Increasing the value of postpartum child care and all-round encouragement of mothers” with the participation of female students living in the 2-Student residence of the institute in cooperation with the head of the plant department F.Rasulova and the executive director of the Mehr sahavat and rehabilitation center M.Meliboyeva a round interview was conducted.

  1. Mominova, Rector’s Adviser on Women’s Issues, who spoke in the interview, said that the family is a sacred and great place, it is necessary to appreciate it, honor it, and always be considerate and polite in family relations. He told the student about his thoughts on how to prepare young people for life as a continuous continuation of these traditions, to teach them the legal and psychological basis of solving conflict situations in the family, to prevent early marriages and family divorces.

The conversation was continued by M. Meliboyeva, executive director of the Mehr Sahavat and Rehabilitation Center, who approached the topic based on real life examples. In an open conversation with female students on the topic of increasing the value of postpartum care and encouraging mothers in every way, their plans and goals were discussed. Also, girls’ understanding of family was studied. Mentors and experts gave young people understanding about the role of women in family relationships and the duties of husbands and wives in their stability. In addition, clarification work was carried out on the procedure for issuing protection warrants to women who were subjected to harassment and violence.

At the end of the interview, the social support of women, the guarantees of their rights and interests were explained, and among the participants of the interview, a number of activities are being carried out to form business entrepreneurs, guide them to the profession, and protect women from oppression and violence. Information was given in the village.



On November 24, 2022, Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agro-Technology Rector’s Advisor on Women’s Issues N. Mominova, Dean’s Advisor on Women’s Issues of the Faculty of Agribusiness and Digital Economy F. Tillaboyeva and Assistant of the Department of Humanities In cooperation with M.Karimova, a round discussion on the topic “Ensuring the full participation of women in leadership and decision-making” was held with the participation of female students studying at the Faculty of Agribusiness and Digital Economy of the institute.

Society, family, children, marriage… It’s hard to imagine these things without a woman. A woman is a necessary person in every aspect. Therefore, in our institute, in working with female students, we are trying to solve their current problems and, most importantly, have an open conversation with women and girls, to study a number of factors that have a negative effect on their psyche and way of life, and to give them practical help, and pressure on girls, negative external factors and incidents that cause them to be cut off from society were explained on the basis of real life examples and advice was given on their solutions. It was also noted that in recent years, women have been gaining leadership in all aspects of our country, and this is being achieved by taking drastic decisions.

In addition, the factors affecting women’s full participation in leadership and decision-making were listened to and answers to questions were found. Of course, it is impossible to solve problems or find a complete solution to issues through dialogue alone. But in the interviews, advice was given that if we can study the difficulties in the psyche and inner world of our women and the closer we are to them, the easier it will be to find the “tip of the rope”.