Institut news

December, 2022.

Andijan institute of agriculture and agrotechnologies department of “Humanities” and in cooperation with general secondary

education schools in the district of Kurgontepa, Andijan region on the work done


 Teachers of the department of “Humanities” of the institute B.Tursunov and M.Karimov on may 11, 2022 conducted work on cooperation with schools attached to the department. On the same day, he shared in the general Secondary Education school No. 51 and 53, located in the district of Kurgontepa, Andijan region, exchanged experiences and gave the necessary instructions on the state of educational work with the school team.

Department teacher Behzodbek Tursunov the teaching of the history of Uzbekistan with the teachers of history of School No. 51 today is reflected in the history of complex socio-political, economic and cultural processes that are relevant to all peoples, elats, nationalities and states, at the same time, in the following years, it was noted that a number of effective works are being carried out on the scientific and impartial study of the history of the country in the context of scientific sources, archival documents, historical literature, arming young people with historical knowledge, exalting high moral, spiritual qualities in them. Karimov Muhammadrahim inspected the rooms where history, religious studies were taught. Electronic copies of literature on the most recent history of Uzbekistan were handed over to the school library. Following this, students of the school’s graduating classes were given information on the directions of education at the Institute. At the Andijan Institute of agriculture and agrotechnologies, the conditions created for students were explained in detail.




Andijan Institute of agriculture and agrotechnologies

about the activities of confederation of the teacher of the “Foreign Languages” Egamberdiyeva Dildora Usubjonova in cooperation with the 12th general secondary school of Andijan district


Egamberdiyeva Dildora Usubjonova, teacher of the foreign language confederation of the Andijan Institute of agriculture and agrotechnologies, visited the 12th general secondary school of the Andijan district on April 16, 2022. Having an interview with the English language teacher of this school Tursunbaev Temurbek analyzed the lessons conducted by the 10th and 11th form  pupils. He studied the activity of clubs organized by teachers.

He recommended various literature necessary for teaching foreign languages at school and conducted an oral conversation with the students. Pupils actively participated in the conversation. Also, Egamberdiyeva Dildora Usubjonova gave a master class to the 11th grade graduates. During the lesson, students’ activity was memorable due to their interest in the English language and they received answers to their questions. During the lesson, Mirzakarimova Asaloy and Takhirov Abdurauf, students of the 11th grade, stood out for their quick and clear answers to the questions. In the future, the Andijan institute of agriculture and agrotechnologies agreed with the teachers of the foreign language confederation about the future work. During the visit of the teachers working in higher education, he suggested popularizing the teaching skills in the school. The conversation on cooperation left a warm impression on students and teachers.




Andijan institute of agriculture and agrotechnologies

 about the works carried out in cooperation with the department of “Uzbek language pedagogy and physical culture”  and technical schools of the institute


 On April 10, 2022, teachers of the department of Uzbek language pedagogy and physical culture, Z. Otaboeva and A. Kambarov, worked on cooperation with the Shakhrikhan Agrotechnological Technical College under the institute.  On the same day, he talked with Ravshanjon Tursunov, the director of educational affairs of the technical institutes, about the state of the educational affairs in the technical institute, expressed his opinion, and gave the necessary instructions.

In particular, they examined the laboratory rooms where the science of plant protection is taught in the technical school.  M. Rakhmonova expressed her opinion on methodological works in phytopathology, gave recommendations in the methodological direction.  It was also agreed on future joint work.

After that, the students of the technical school were given information about the educational aspects of the Institute.  In particular, they gave detailed opinions about the educational areas in which the subject tests are canceled and gave the necessary instructions to the students on how to thoroughly prepare for the tests.

At the end of the meeting, Z.Otaboyeva and A.Kambarov invited the graduates of the technical school to enter the Andijan institute of agriculture and agrotechnology and continue their activities.



Andijan institute of agriculture and agrotechnologies on the work carried out in cooperation with the department  “Physics and Chemistry”  and the academic lyceum at the institute


         Teachers of the department of “Physics and Chemistry” of the institute S. Usmanova and H. Jamolovas conducted work on cooperation with the academic lyceum under the Institute on may 4, 2022. On the same day, the deputy director of academic affairs of the academic lyceum spoke with Komiljon Ismadiyorov about the state of the educational system in the lyceum, expressed his thoughts and made the necessary recommendations. In particular, with the teacher of chemistry Sobirov Nodirbek, they considered the laboratory rooms where chemistry is taught.

  1. Jamolova got acquainted with the methodological work on chemistry and expressed her thoughts, gave recommendations in the methodological direction. After that, lyceum students were given information on the directions of education at the institute. In particular, chemistry tests gave the students the necessary instructions on the thorough preparation for the tests, giving them detailed opinions on the educational areas in which they are tested. They invited high school students to continue their activities by entering the Andijan institute of agriculture and agrotechnologies.