Institut news

December, 2022

On the practical instructions of professors and teachers of the Department of Humanities of the Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies of Andijan to organize the activities of the deputy governors of the main branch of the”neighborhood control


By the decision of the government, the model structure of citizens ‘ self-government bodies was approved: a number of amendments were made to the structure, including amendments and additions to the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on additional measures to further improve the activities of citizens ‘self-government bodies”dated March 18, 2021 No. 380.

According to this, the model structure of the self-governing bodies of citizens was approved. Now in the neighborhood, the women’s activist, preventive inspector and youth affairs consultant became subordinate to the chairman of the neighborhood Citizens ‘ Assembly, from which practical support groups were established in the places.

In addition, a “neighborhood control group” with several powers is also created, and this group is also headed by the chairman of the NCR

While the assistant governors are not directly led by a chairman, the resolution also provides for public control over the activities of the deputy governors as the primary function of the “neighbourhood control group”. It follows that the professors and teachers of the Department of” humanities ” are at the Andijan District Yuksalish NCR and as well as at the Emir Temur NCR of the Izboskan district, giving practical instructions to the NCR chairmen and deputy governors.

In addition, the order of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 8, 2022 No. 06/1-460, together with the scientific research institute “Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, family and women committee, family and women”, established a training course with women activists in the neighborhoods.

In order to ensure the implementation of the decree and decisions of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Andijan Institute of Agriculture and agrotechnologies is attached to Pakhtaabad district and Izboskan district of Andijan region.

Head of the Department of “Humanities” when conducting training sessions in the form of a lecture, practical and seminar training on the basis of the curriculum for August 2022 in the manner prescribed for neighborhood women activists .As a result of the training, G. Vaikhanova is giving practical instructions on the legal basis of the activities of the women’s activist in the neighborhood, on the mechanisms for the implementation of the tasks established in the existing regulatory legal acts.

Head of the Department “humanities”: G.Valikhonova

On the activities of Foreign Language Teaching clubs organized at the Department of foreign languages of the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agotechnologies


At the department of foreign languages of the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and agrotechnologies, clubs specializing in English and German were established. Students of the Institute and circles such as English life, English for you, Sprich deutsch, Jahoo are operating under CEFR requirements in order to enable unorganized youth in the NCRl” Oyjamol”, Navbahor, O’qituvchilar, Daryobo’yi neighborhoods to spend free time meaningfully and to develop deep mastery of foreign languages.

Experienced professors and teachers of the Department M.Gulomjonova, M.Nosirova, D.Umarova, H.Nasretdinova, Sh.Usmanova, D.Egamberdieva, G.Matkarimova., R.Toirov, A. Rejapov achieved a number of achievements as a result of conducting training in circles made up of English and German subjects. In particular, 59 of the 87 neighborhood youth who were members of circle were lucky enough to become students by successfully passing foreign language entrance exams to higher education institutions of the Republic. In addition, 4 young people were admitted to the information technology educational direction of the Warsaw University of Economics and humanities, 3 members of the circle to the Uzbek State University of World Languages and Samarkand State University of foreign languages and the Andijan State Institute of foreign languages to the 1st stage of the German language direction.

10 talented students of the clubs of Uzbekistan-India sharda University held debates on the topic “benefits of online shopping-online” on October 9, 2022,” what to focus on in business “on December 21, 2022. As a result of the debates, it facilitated the growth of interest in language learning of its students, the exchange of ideas on the basis of strengthening their knowledge and skills.

In April–May 2022, the German language teacher M. Nosirova organized video conferences on the topics “agrotechnologies in potato cultivation”, “Agriculture of Germany” with Otto Schmoll, head of the German potato farm. B. from the participants of the German language circle and teachers studying the language at video conferences.Shokirov, S.Mamadalieva, K.Khamdamov took part.

From participants of scientific circles of the German language in May-July 2023 K.JoRaev, F.Azizbekova, Y.Khasanov, O.Akhmadjanov, D.Okhunjonova, M. Kaldashev completed a 3-month qualifying production internship in Germany under the program of the Job in MS Donald company specializing in food technologies.

The head of the English language club, R. Toirov, is working on preparing 50 students and local youth to receive international and national certificates of language proficiency.

Head of the Department of foreign languages М.Irgashev

According to the organization of the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies , to provide employment for young people who are not accepted to the institute, mahallas and institutions attached to them, to study problems and train women and activists in the region


The family is a solid foundation of society, the driving force of the state. Accordingly, the issue of family status and family relations has always been in the public eye. After all, in the words of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev, “the family is a small homeland, the homeland is peaceful if the family is peaceful.”

Decree No. 81 of March 1, 2022″on measures to improve the system of work with family and women, support of neighborhoods and luminaries”, Decree No. 1 of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan”on Organization of activities of the state committee of family and women” of March 1, 2022 PQ-146 set out priorities for strengthening the Family Institute, developing national values and traditions, preparing young people for family life. This training program was developed in order to support the activities of women activists operating in the neighborhoods in a methodological aspect.

The commission of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 8, 2023, No. 06/1-460, together with the scientific research institute “Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, family and women committee, family and women”, established a training course with women activists in the neighborhoods.

In order to ensure the implementation of the decree and decisions of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Andijan Institute of Agriculture and agrotechnologies is attached to Pakhtaabad district and Izboskan district of Andijan region.

On the implementation of this task, associate professors and teachers of the Department of “Uzbek language pedagogy and physical culture” I.Mamajonov, M.Alijonova, V.Atakhojiev, senior teacher A. Qambarov conducted training sessions in the form of a lecture, practical and seminar training on the basis of the curriculum for August 2023 in the manner prescribed for the women activists of the neighborhood.

As a result of the training sessions, the legal basis of the activities of the women’s activist in the neighborhood, the tasks of the women’s activist in the development strategy of Uzbekistan and the directions established in it, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the focus on family and women issues in it, the role of the strategy for achieving gender equality in

The mechanisms for the implementation of the tasks set out in the existing regulatory legal acts are the functional tasks of the neighborhood in terms of ensuring the rights of women and children among women activists. legal basis of the family. Family-legal relations and their regulation. Protection of family, fatherhood, motherhood and childhood. Equal rights of a woman and a man in family relationships. Legal aspects of social protection of families with many children. In family relations, concepts were given on the application of local customs and traditions.

Training was carried out using active and interactive methods.

head of the Department of Uzbek language pedagogy and physical education

Rector of the Institute K. Komilov By public organizations headed

sign the minutes of meetings to ensure the employment of young people in need of social assistance in the neighborhood

Plates from the processes of studying the problem of unorganized youth in the makhalla, to which Vice-rector of the Institute M.Atajanov and other responsible are attached

With unorganized youth of Jalakuduq District of the famous “Og’alar” community of the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology

“Johanabad” at the Institute, as well as “Jonabad” among young people living next door to the Civic Assembly, clubs for holding competitions in volleyball, football, table tennis, sports

“Khidirsha” NRC in khojaabad district is from the neighborhoods attached to Andijan Institute of Agriculture and agrotechnologies. On the basis of the Mahallabay working system, a foreign language circle is being held for young people living on the “Hayat” street of this neighborhood.

On August 5-15 of this year, on the basis of the assignment of ministers No. 06/1-460 of August 8, 2022, professors and teachers of the Institute of Agriculture and agrotechnologies of Andijan organized the training of regional women activists.