Institut news

About the work carried out at the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and agrotechnologies to improve electricity efficiency,

introduce energy-saving technologies and ensure the use of renewable energy sources


On August 22, 2019, a number of works were carried out to ensure the implementation of the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 4422 “on measures to improve energy efficiency of the economic sectors and social sphere, the introduction of energy-saving technologies and the development of renewable energy sources”.

Taking into account the advanced foreign experience, the decision was made to increase energy efficiency by attracting existing resources and unoccupied potential, to widely introduce energy-saving technologies and renewable energy sources, to create a complex organization of work to drastically reduce the energy consumption of economy networks and the social sphere, as well as to ensure the rational and efficient use of fuel and energy resources the 2 student dormitories that were designed were replaced by 1,786 lamps in 486 rooms with similar energy-efficient lighting equipment. In the administrative buildings of the Institute, 586 lighting lights were installed, which were automatically controlled by the rectorate, departments, deaneries, foyers.

In accordance with this decision, professors and teaching staff working in this circle, students of specialized educational direction and members of the circle took part in the installation and commissioning of solar power plants with a total capacity of 750 kW on the roof of the institute buildings. A microelectric power plant with a capacity of 1.1 kW was also installed on the territory of the institute.

It is established that the first heads of departments, faculties and departments are personally responsible for the adoption of comprehensive measures to improve energy efficiency, the widespread introduction of energy-saving technologies and the use of renewable energy sources.

Head of the Department of use electricity and pumping stations:                        B.Shakirov


Footage from the introduction of alternative energy sources on the territory of the institute