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According to the decisions and programs of the Republic of Uzbekistan on reducing the use of coal and hydrocarbons in the implementation of Energy savings


In the Republic, a long-term strategy for the development of the oil and gas, electric energy, coal, chemical, construction industry is being implemented, aimed at ensuring sustainable growth of the economy and increasing the level of well-being of the population, continuous satisfaction of the demand and need for fuel and energy resources. Measures are being taken to consistently modernize and technological re-equipment of the electricity and gas supply system in the country, to improve the basics of energy saving and the mechanisms of mutual calculations for supplied electricity and natural gas. Also, taking into account the advanced foreign experience, a number of positive works were carried out to improve energy efficiency by attracting existing resources and unoccupied potential, to widely introduce energy-saving technologies and renewable energy sources, to complex organization of work on drastically reducing the volume of energy consumption of economic sectors and the social sphere, as well as to ensure rational and efficient use of In order to implement these tasks, the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan on measures to ensure the rational use of energy resources of November 8, 2017, PQ-3379, on August 22, 2019, “improving the energy efficiency of economic networks and the social sphere, in order to support and encourage the active introduction of energy-saving technologies and the active introduction of energy-saving advanced technologies, PQ-4422 (adopted on May 21, 2019), the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan”on the use of renewable energy sources “(adopted on May 21, 2019) in order to expand the field of renewable energy use and reduce the use of the program will serve as a valid. It is also underway to implement measures to reduce energy consumption due to the improvement of the thermal protection system of buildings, the installation of touch sensors containing two-chamber and energy-efficient window blocks, traffic light sources, as well as air recuperators and other systems. In addition to the installation of solar photovoltaic stations (an average of 2 kW) and solar water heaters (an average of 200 liters) in private apartments, the replacement of non-standard gas-electric devices of domestic consumers, as well as legal entities, into modern and energy-efficient gas-electric devices is underway.

Head of the department using

electriciity andi pumpnig stations B.Shakirov