Institut news


Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies for the modernization of boiler houses in the direction of reducing energy consumption


Until the last decade, the heat supply system of the existing educational and auxiliary buildings of the Institute, student dormitories in the autumn-winter period was carried out using heating boilers manufactured 40-50 years ago. The total number of these heating boilers was 3 units consisting of two boilers DKVR–10/13 and one boiler DE 10/14. The mode of operation of these boilers mainly consisted in supplying steam to the steam heating system under high pressure along a heat transfer route with a length of 3.5 km. These boilers worked on two different types of fuel: fuel oil and gas. Up to 15-25 tons of fuel oil were spent on heating all the buildings of the Institute per day. due to the large length of the heating system, more than 3.5 km were used with heat losses of 30-35%, central boilers were operated at very high costs. Up to 15-25 tons of fuel oil were spent on heating all the buildings of the Institute per day. due to the large length of the heating system, more than 3.5 km were used with heat losses of 30-35%, central boilers were operated at very high costs.

Since 2013, a separate modern energy-efficient local boiler house for 6 MTB (modul heating unit) has been installed for each existing building of the Institute. During 2022, 3 boilers were repaired, 6 boilers of the MTU model were installed on them.

The hourly coal consumption of installed boilers averages 25 kg, while the length of the heating system outside the buildings does not exceed 80 meters, the value of heat losses does not exceed 1.5-3.0 percent. The advantages of individual boilers allow you to regulate the heating of the room depending on the time of its use, that is, to increase or decrease the amount of heat. It is also possible to stop the operation of the heating system in rooms that are temporarily unused.

As a result, during the operation of new boilers for the season, instead of 1800 tons of fuel oil, 450 tons of coal can be used, i.e. 2.7 of the conditional fuel resources in the general case…Harmful gases and carbon dioxide released into the environment with feces can be saved 3.5 times, and carbon dioxide- 40 times…A 55% reduction has been achieved.

The phased installation of modern solar photovoltaic plants with a capacity of 750 kW and 8 solar water heaters for providing hot water and electricity, as well as energy-efficient, including bivalent heating systems, in particular, the introduction of modern heat pumps and recuperators, is also continuing.

Head of the Department using

electricity and pumping stations B.Shakirov

Type AKC 300t-600t power universal (gas-coal) heating boilers.

Type AKC 300t-600t power universal (gas-coal) heating boilers