Institut news


about operating Spin-off enterprises at the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies

The 9th goal of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals is to promote the creation of a solid infrastructure, a highly industrialized and innovative system (hereinafter referred to as SDG 9).

The goal of SDG 9 is to build sustainable infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and innovation. Economies with diversified industrial sectors and strong infrastructure have been less affected and are experiencing faster recovery. In 2021, global manufacturing recovered from the pandemic, although the recovery remains patchy and uneven.

High-tech industries performed better and recovered faster, illustrating how important technological innovation is to achieving SDG 9.


Based on the above information, a total of 4 scientific projects with a financial volume of 2.6 billion soums were completed in 2022 at our institute.

Also, based on the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 6, 2022 No. 307 “On organizational measures to implement the innovative development strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2022-2026” to open spin-off enterprises 750 million soms were allocated to the Institute’s Innovation Fund, and 3 spin-off enterprises were established based on the selection of these funds.

1. The spin-off company is engaged in the cultivation of landscape tree and shrub seedlings using the “fog” method. Today, this enterprise aims to breed ornamental trees and shrubs introduced to the climatic conditions of our Republic and to improve the ecological situation and infrastructure of cities and villages, to provide an optimal environment for people and other living organisms, to reduce harmful substances in the atmosphere, to market ornamental trees and shrubs. In order to increase the demand, he planned to obtain economic benefits by cultivating in short and intensive ways.

The purpose of the enterprise is to breed introduced ornamental trees and shrubs that meet climatic conditions and to improve the ecological situation and urban and rural infrastructure, to provide an optimal environment for people and other living organisms, to reduce harmful substances in the atmosphere, and to increase the demand for ornamental trees and shrubs in the market. It consists of obtaining economic benefits through cultivation in short and intensive ways.

2. The spin-off company is engaged in the cultivation of rare and decorative plant seedlings in greenhouses. Based on today’s demand for “unique and decorative” seedlings in Andijan region, this enterprise plans to supply regional markets with seedlings. In addition, they are introducing a delivery service to the population, making the prices of seedlings affordable. Elderly people remember well, earlier such seedlings were brought to Uzbekistan from foreign countries, and not everyone could afford to buy these healing and heart-pleasing seedlings. Nowadays, Andijan also exports rare and decorative seedlings. Today, many facilities are being created in our region for the development of this industry, land areas and subsidies are allocated.

The purpose of the enterprise is to provide our people with high-quality ornamental and unique citrus seedlings, using the above opportunities, and to establish export. In this spin-off enterprise, the construction of a 4-hectare greenhouse and the cultivation of “Unique and decorative” seedlings are being carried out.

3. The spin-off company is engaged in the production of ecologically clean vegetables in the greenhouse. This enterprise was given during the visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Andijan region on May 21-22, 2020 and was given in an extended form, as specified in paragraph 66 of the minutes of the meeting “Innovative, practical and startup projects of young people in the Andijan region, including scientific and innovative accelerator and business- 1 billion from the state budget within the framework of state programs related to scientific activity to each of the state higher education institutions in the region for the implementation of projects aimed at the establishment of incubators and the development of advanced technological developments. plans to implement this project based on the assignments “on allocating grant funds up to soums”.

The purpose of the enterprise is to determine the optimal standards for the use of organic fertilizers, organomineral preparations for plant nutrition outside the roots, as well as protection from diseases and pests, in the production of ecologically clean and high yields from the cultivated tomato products that meet the requirements of the world market. elements of agrotechnology.