Institut news

The head of the region met with experts and scientists in the field of energy. In the meeting held in the Andijan youth technopark, energy industry officials, rectors of regional institutions related to the industry and researchers took part. He spoke about the tasks set by the head of our country in energy issues.
-Many renewable energy projects have been launched in the last two to three years. Hydroelectric power plants have been built and are being built in several districts. However, as the population is increasing, we are witnessing an increase in the demand for energy resources. The autumn-winter season is near here. Therefore, it is necessary to pay more serious attention to the issue and introduce an effective system specific to our region, – said the head of the region during the interview.
A presentation on solving existing problems and new plans was held. Feedback on projects was held. A number of tasks were given to the managers of the field in order to direct the problems towards solutions, to implement ideas and suggestions.