Institut news

The 2nd season of the “Kitob Khan Yostak” competition has started! The winners will be awarded with the best books!

✅ Contest organizer: Center for supporting the spiritual growth of students and pupils under the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education

📚 All readers can participate in the competition. Participants will be assigned 2 books to read by December 8, and a total of 150 test questions will be given on these books for 5 days (December 8-12).

🟥Test questions are compiled from the following books:
🔴 “Halka” – Akrom Malik;
🔴”Inscriptions on the border of the notebook” – O’tkir Hoshimov.

🏆The winners of the competition will be determined in 2 directions:
🔵The most knowledgeable readers – 20 participants who answered the most correct test questions in this direction will be awarded;
🔵The most active promoters of the contest – 15 participants who invited the most friends to the project in this direction will be awarded.

🏆 Winners of the contest will be awarded by the organizers with diplomas, certificates and the best books:
🟣1) A collection of stories of the Age of Happiness;
🟣2) Collection of the history of prophets;
🟣3) Collection of the treasure of manners;
🟣4) Set of spiritual education;
↪️ The table above shows which books will be awarded to the remaining places.

📌 To participate in the competition, you need to register at @kitobtanlovbot (