Institut news

December, 2022.


About the projects carried out on the basis of the program “Providing financial assistance to new starters in places” in  Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies

The head of our state, Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev, in all his meetings with the leaders responsible for the social sphere, said that the main force that leads our country forward and implements reforms is an educated and healthy generation, therefore, all stages of the education system should be reformed. underlining that it should be done and developed consistently, focusing on quality should be the most important task, he assigns important tasks to all industry leaders in this regard.

Based on the above information, on the initiative of Agrobank, in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, Tashkent State Agrarian University and the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agro-Technology, farmers, entrepreneurs, farmers and different types of residents in the field of agriculture in order to apply modern knowledge “Farmers’ School” project with new educational programs providing modern knowledge and skills in agriculture was established for the first agricultural sector in Uzbekistan.

The main goal of the establishment of the Farmers’ School is to provide about a thousand students with the latest knowledge on agriculture and business management, to improve entrepreneurial skills and to train qualified young farmers. The “Young Farmers Academy” of “Ziraat Bank” in Turkey and “Shkola fermera” of “Rosselkhozbank” in Russia are used in the implementation of the project.

“Farmers School” educational courses are organized in 5 regions of our country, they are:

– Tashkent (for those who are permanently registered in Tashkent city, Tashkent, Syrdarya regions);

– Andijan (for those on the permanent list in Andijan, Namangan and Fergana regions); Samarkand (for those who are on the permanent list in Samarkand, Navoi, Jizzakh regions);

– Termiz (for those who are on the permanent list in Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya, Bukhara regions);

– Nukus (for those who are permanently registered in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Khorezm regions).

Studying in this course is both an interesting and effective process, which lays the groundwork for future achievements in the agricultural sector. For this purpose, the training course “Farmers School” has all the possibilities.

A total of 1,745 young people applied for the initial stage of the Farmers’ School. According to the results of the interview conducted by the commission consisting of academic staff, 150 students aged 18-35 were admitted to the training course.

The study period lasts 2 months, i.e. 5 weeks of theoretical education and 2 weeks of practical training. Another week involves preparing a business plan and defending it. Practical lessons are held at experimental sites and large agricultural enterprises.

In addition, students will take master classes on starting an entrepreneurial activity in agriculture, organizing their current business on a modern basis, that is, the secrets of increasing productivity in agriculture, using seeds and fertilizers for abundant harvest. It is here that both practical and theoretical knowledge is taught, such as selection, livestock care, the basics of effective business planning, and learning how to sell farmed products through modern marketing methods.

Lessons are held in educational auditoriums fully meeting world standards with the participation of re-professors-teachers and scientific experts with high experience in agriculture, successful entrepreneurs, business trainers and banking experts.

The study program focuses on the development of both theoretical and practical skills. Practical lessons are held at experimental sites and large agricultural enterprises.

Areas of study include animal husbandry, poultry, greenhouse, vegetable and policing, horticulture, viticulture, and business, financial, and legal literacy.

Requirements for candidates for the “School of Farmers” training course:

– A citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan who has reached the age of 18, but not over 35, and has at least a secondary education;

– a desire to engage in one of the areas of livestock breeding, poultry farming, greenhouse farming, vegetable and policing, horticulture or viticulture (it is recommended to allocate at least 30% of the admission quota to women).

Deadlines for receiving documents:

Acceptance of documents (filling out online questionnaires) takes at least 15 days in each admission period.

Procedure for submission of documents:

Candidates who express their desire to study should apply online through the school’s official website and telegram bot, attaching copies of the following documents, namely:

– an online survey (questionnaire) is filled out;

– passport copy.

Selection procedure:

Selection for admission to the Farmers’ School course is held in 2 stages.

At the 1st stage, the documents of the candidates are studied by the Selection Commission and the primary list is formed.

In the 2nd stage, a direct (or online) interview will be held with selected candidates, and the final list of listeners will be formed based on the results.

The Andijan regional center of the Farmers’ School is located at Oliygoh street, Oliygoh street, Oyjamol district, Andijan district, Andijan region. To date, the center has a total of 211 listeners for 10 seasonsraduated. 25 gold, 165 silver and 21 bronze certificates were distributed to the graduates.

The number of graduates and the amount of loans allocated to them in the Fergana Valley section:

– 91 listeners from Andijan region, 551 million soums of credit were allocated to them;

– Loans of 325 million soums were allocated to 47 people from Namangan region;

– 1 billion 191 million soum loans were allocated to 73 people from Fergana region.

Andijan regional center has signed contracts for trainees to conduct training in 19 multi-sector farms and the largest enterprises and organizations located in the Fergana Valley.

In the regional center of Andijan, classes are organized based on the following modules:

– Animal husbandry;

– Poultry farming;

– Greenhouse economy;

– Vegetable and vegetable growing;

– Viticulture;

– Horticulture;

– Business, financial and legal literacy.

The Farmers’ School has signed contracts with highly qualified professors of the Andijan Regional Center, Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agro-Technology to provide high-quality lessons to students based on the modular system.





The teacher of business, finance and legal literacy module is Asal Shodmonova

On March 23, 2022, the 10th season of the Farmers’ School will begin, and the students who graduate from the specified module will become potential professors and teachers of the school and 19 multi-disciplinary farms in the Fergana Valley within 1 (one) month. The listeners, who received sufficient knowledge and practical skills from the experts of the largest enterprises and organizations, successfully completed the training course, taking steps towards their dreams and moving towards their goals.