Institut news
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During the week – energy industry
The head of the region met with experts and scientists in the field of energy. In the meeting held in the Andijan youth technopark, energy industry officials, rectors of regional institutions related to the industry and researchers took part. He spoke about the tasks set by the head of our country in energy issues. -Many [...]
“Heroes of our time” project
In order to further develop patriotism among students, the works organized within the framework of the "Heroes of our Time" project are being carried out on a large scale in the "Agribusiness and digital economy" and "Plant protection and agrochemistry" faculties. Based on this plan, the institute was visited by the deputy head of the [...]
Attention women studying for a master’s degree!
📹 The state pays the contract money of the women studying for the master's degree. For this, it is necessary to apply to the head of the recommended university by September 15.
Charity – I am a donor
You have the opportunity to save the lives of many people by participating in the "I am a donor" blood donation campaign! 📆 The blood donation campaign will be held on September 10 of this year at the blood transfusion station of Andijan region. Citizens between the ages of 18 and 60 (professors, youth, military [...]
Meeting with young people
A meeting on measures to prevent crime was held among students and youth at the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agro-Technology. Rector of the institute T. Sultanov, who opened the event, strongly emphasized the need for the wide opportunities created for young people and their rational use. Then, the district prosecutor, colonel D. Jorayev, spoke [...]
🎓Become a student with up to 60% discount!
🕔 According to the results of the undergraduate entrance exams for the 2024/2025 academic year: ❌Applicants who were not recommended for studentship were given the opportunity to study on the basis of a differentiated fee-contract in selected undergraduate education areas. ✅ A 10 percent discount was given to applicants who paid the differentiated payment contract [...]
As we reported yesterday, educational seminars for science teachers are being held at the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agro-Technology.
💻Kuni kecha xabar berganimizdek, Andijon qishloq xoʻjaligi va agrotexnologiyalar institutida fan oʻqituvchilari uchun moʻljallangan oʻquv-seminarlari boʻlib oʻtmoqda. 👨💻 Bugun Oʻsimliklarni himoyasi va agrokimyo fakulteti bilan birgalikda Agroinjeneriya va Gidromelioratsiya fakulteti mutaxassislari mazkur amaliy-nazariy bilim bilan chuqurroq tanishdilar. 📝Unda sohaga doir qimmatli va kerakli maʼlumotlar ulashildi. 📲Oʻqituvchilar OneID haqidagi koʻnikmalarini atroflicha boyitib, oʻrganib, bu boradagi tushunchalarini [...]
Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agratechnologies announces admission for 2025 to Doctor of Science (DSc), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) study forms
ANDIJON QISHLOQ XO‘JALIGI VA AGROTEXNOLOGIYALAR INSTITUTI 2025 yil uchun doktoranturaga fan doktori (DSc), falsafa doktori (PhD) o‘qish shakllariga qabul e’lon qiladi O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasining 2017 yil 22 maydagi “Oliy o‘quv yurtidan keyingi ta’lim tizimini yanada takomillashtirish chora-tadbirlari to‘g‘risida”gi 304-sonli qarori bilan tasdiqlangan “Oliy o‘quv yurtidan keyingi ta’lim to‘g‘risidagi Nizom” talablariga muvofiq, shuningdek O‘zbekiston Respublikasi [...]
Individual interview questions for post-secondary and post-secondary interview admissions programs
Agronomiya “TASDIQLAYMAN” Andijon qishloq xo‘jaligi va agrotexnologiyalar instituti rektori Z.T.Sultanov __________________ “__” ____” 2024-yil Ikkinchi va undan keyingi oliy ta’limga suhbat asosida o‘qishga qabul qilish bo‘yicha Agronomiya (dehqonchilik mahsulotlari turlari boʻyicha) ta’lim yo‘nalishi uchun yakka tartibdagi suhbat savollari ro‘yxati O‘zbekiston Respublikasida rayonlashtirilgan o‘rta tolali g‘o‘za navlari va ulari va ularni qisqacha xarakteristikasi to’g’risida ma’lumot bering? [...]
12 doctoral students and young scientists of the institute received certificates from the Chinese company “supermap” software CO., LTD
In July-August of this year, a training course on studying modern geoinformation systems was organized on the "SuperMap" platform for doctoral students and young scientists of the institute. In it, the "Super Map" platform ⚡️GIS services; ⚡️ components; ⚡️ mobile GIS platforms; ⚡️ data production, processing and management tools were taught. Certificates and souvenirs of [...]