Department of Plant Protection


  • Name Mirzayeva Saida Abdusalomovna
  • Phone number: +99894 173 63 34
  • E-mail:
  • Reception days: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 14:00-16:00

In 1964, the Andishan Institute for Cotton Production was organized on the basis of the branch of the Tashkent Institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization. In 1979, the Department of Crop Protection was established on the basis of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, and in 2004 the Rectors of the Institute, by Decree No. 260-L, created a new department on the basis of two independent departments – Agrochemistry of Soil Science and Plant Protection.

According to the order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 3, 2012 No 183, the department of “Agrochemistry, Soil Science and Plant Protection” was renamed the Department of “Plant Protection and Quarantine”.

In the 2018-2019 academic year, the Department of “Plant Protection and Agricultural Phytopathology” was established.

From the 2020-2021 academic year, the department of “Plant Protection” was established.

The department of “Plant Protection” is a specialized department, the stages of the educational process are undergraduate: full-time and part-time “Plant Protection” (by types of crops), Master’s degree: “Plant Protection (by methods),” Monitoring and forecasting of plant protection “,” Fruit and vegetable ” biotechnology ”.

During the 2021-2022 academic year Aliev Sh.K., Tuychiev I.U., Mirzaeva S.A. Textbook “Agrobiotechnology” by Arslanov MT, Kasimov Sh.Kh., Turdieva DT “Recommendations for the development of work plans for the reproduction of bioproducts”, Khasanov BA, Dexkonova MP, Turdieva DT by N.M. Omonova “Diseases of tomato plants caused by fungi and measures to combat them” by N.M. Omonova.

In addition “Application of information technology in the protection of intensive apple orchards” by M.M Rakhimov and I. U. Tuychiev published a monograph “Cyanophagia and plasmidy nitchatoy cyanobakerii nostoc linckia i odnokletochnoy synechococcus.”

Assistant of the Department of Plant Protection NMOmonova received a degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences in 06.01.09 – “Plant Protection” on “Microflora of tomato plants and measures to combat them.”

Senior Lecturer of the Department M.M. Rakhimov, 06.01.09 – Associate Professor of “Plant Protection”.

Professors and teachers of the department publish articles in many international journals.

The department has developed plans for spiritual and educational work for the 2021-2022 academic year and their implementation is consistent. Based on the plan developed by the Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment of the Institute and the materials of the “Information Hour” recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the department conducts “Information Hour” every Wednesday and “Coaching Hour” every Thursday.

Sustainable Development of Rural Areas of Uzbekistan with the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ), French international expert, senior specialist, independent consultant-phytopathologist Michel Male and associate professor of “Botany” of the Kazakh University of Engineering and Technology k / x.f .n. Projects are being developed with Serijan Nakhypbekovich

1. Mirzaeva Saidakhon – head of the department, associate professor, Ph.D.
2. Aliev Shovvozbek – professor v.b., q.x.f.n.
3. Iskandarbek Toychiev – associate professor, b.f.n.
4. Arslanov Maxammatsali – Associate Professor, b.f.n.
5. Rahimov Mansurjon – Associate Professor, Q.x.f.f.d. (PhD)
6. Musaeva Gulbahor – senior teacher, Ph.D. (PhD)
7. Turdieva Dilfuzahon – Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.
8. Omonova Nargizahon – Senior Lecturer, Ph.D. (PhD)
9. Siddikova Nodirahon – senior teacher
10. Aznabakieva Dilraboxon – senior teacher
11. Kambarova Mukhtasarkhon – senior teacher
12. Rasulova Marxaboxon – assistant
13. Mirzaitova Muqaddamhon – assistant
14. Davlatova Feruzaxon – assistant
15. Pattaev Akmaljon – assistant
16. Tolibjonov Oxunjon – assistant
17. Turaboev Mirzaraxmat – assistant
18. Shokirova Khurshida – assistant
19. Karimov Otabek – assistant